From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. Nov. 22, 2006
I. Let the Liberals do their thing.
If the liberals are so dead set on doing for the poor let them build government services off to the side and stop destroying the national economy by fueling inflation. As long as they are off to the side let them have government run commissaries, hospitals, or whatever to keep the poor alive, but stay the hell away from giving any cash money or food stamps to the poor or corporations for anything, period.
Then that will save this country from economical doom from ever increasing inflation.Let them issue tokens to the poor that can only be used in the poor folk’s commissaries, hospitals, or houses but the tokens must be completely separated from the US currency. Then we will be able to stop this insane inflationary spiraling that’s choking off the middle class.
Get the hell rid of food stamps because they also are tied to and inflating the US currency. And the government shouldn't handout free money to anyone unless they are employed by the government; otherwise issue them tokens. This is a way every city should be able to set up its own system and issue tokens to its poor without inflating the national economy. At the very least a test case should be run in a large city to see if it works.
A scale will be needed so every poor person wouldn't get the tokens free. This is one way to take care of the poor and decentralize the welfare state; thereby saving the national economy from spiraling inflation that is destroying our middle class and sending our jobs over seas. Sure, I hear all of the praise about our booming economy and I don’t disagree.
Yes, we have a booming economy all right, but in my view it is like a booming runaway train headed toward a cliff. Unless this runaway inflationary spiraling that is killing off our middle class is checked our way of life is not going to be around much longer. It is a simple fact; you cannot have inflation unless the government gives out free taxpayer money on an individual basis. That is what started this ever increasing unending inflationary spiraling.
You can never have a normal free market when the government is giving individuals money to drive up prices and increase the cost of living. My God! Stop it! While we still can, the nation’s survival is at stake. I'm hell bent on trying to help save our economy and western civilization, somebody needs to step up.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. Nov. 19, 2006
I. The O. J. Case.
Here I go again, commenting on something I know I have no business commenting on.
But, what the heck, everybody else on radio and TV seem to be freaking out on it, why can’t I throw in my two-cent? Long before the trial begins when I heard the 911 tapes concerning domestic abuse; I knew then O. J. was guilty and doomed in the eyes of the larger white population. I’m still not one hundred percent sure one way or the other on his guilt or innocent.
Anyone that knows anything about crime knows that murder is one of the hardest crimes of all to cover up. In this day of modern forensic science very few actually gets away with murder. The fact is, most people tend to believe what they want to believe, and then if you couple that with racial emotionalism you can forget about reasoning and objectivity. My own biggest problem with the whole thing is the time line.
When you have blood all over the place the killer must be drenched in blood, but less than a teaspoon full was found in the white carpeted get away vehicle. Even with a change of clothes I don’t understand that. Just think about it, to rush out of bloody clothes without remaining bloody is no easy task. Then supposedly he rushes back into the getaway vehicle with a bag of bloody clothes and dispose of them with no trace.
Also, what about composure and clear thinking in a mad emotional rush, one would have to be a super human being to do all of the above within the time line given without countless bloody slip ups. It was less than thirty minutes later when he boarded a plane with normal composure just like he never even broke a sweat. I just don’t believe it possible, I still have some doubt about the whole thing? I didn’t write this article to try to change anyone's mind; this case is far too emotional for that.
I just wanted to throw my two-cent in along with everyone else.
PS: Even now, one of the most dangerous things in the world is to do genuine in depth investigative reporting into the O. J. case; it is still too hot and dangerous.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. Nov. 05, 2006
I. Disadvantages of being political all over the map.
Very seldom will I name a political party because I know there are still conservative democrats as well as liberal republicans. I must admit I am bias toward liberals because I think most liberals are shallow and is the root cause of this doomsday welfare state we have today.
As I observe the political climate today I see conservative not taking advantages of the overwhelming political advantage they have on certain issues. Most of the issues that peoples really care about are on the side of the conservatives. But, there is a very big obstacle blocking the conservative message, that obstacle is big liberal media; their only goal is to preserve, protect, and grow the welfare state.
You don’t have to believe me but in my view the American people are basically ignorant on this nation’s survival. Big liberal media will never tell the people that the liberals are not going to “Cut and run” out of Iraq any time soon. Because in my view if the US leaves Iraq before it is stable it could collapse the US economy and be the death of this country, that is something the liberal media will never tell the American people.
They would rather see this country go down the drain than to help the conservatives. Because of the welfare state nearly half of the population today don’t pay federal income tax and could care less if taxes are raised, in fact they welcome it. Still, it is the biggest issue the conservative have on their side. The next best issues the conservatives have on their side are high morals and national security.
But conservatives are all over the map and are not using their advantage. In my view most of the political advertising being used is a waste of money and actually dilutes the true conservative’s message. Conservative politicians have bought into the political pollsters Madison Avenue style techniques. The problem with that method is it doesn’t make sure the conservative message gets through big liberal media bias.
Getting into shouting matches and arguments on subjects all over the map with liberals only muddies the water and work to their advantage. As I see it the only way the conservative’s message is going to get through big liberal media bias is to use the “Pit bull technique.” It takes time to work, but it is deadly effective. The “pit bull technique” is to take a simple quote and lock down (bite) on it and never, never let up.
Stay with it no matter how boring it becomes. Stay with it no matter how many times you hear “I know that”. Stay with it no matter how many times you hear “I’ve heard that before”. All of this other stuff and being all over the map is secondary, when it all boils down, people will vote their strongest emotion or their pocketbook. The shorter and simpler the message the better. Here are some example sound bites: “Who are going to raise your taxes? You fill the blank”.
“Who are promoting loose morals? You fill in the blank”. Who are weak on national defense? You fill in the blank”. It may not seem effective, but if a conservative lock down on some sound bites like one of the above and never, never let up it will be deadly. By asking a question, it begs an answer. The people know the correct answer, it’s just that big liberal media drowns out the conservative message with their own liberal agenda 24-7.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. October 30, 2006
I. Showdown at high noon.
Concerning the Iraq situation: Another way of looking at that situation is it could be a blessing in disguise. The situation forces the US and Western Europe to face the cold steel raw reality that the global world economy may not survive if western civilization doesn’t take a stand somewhere.
The US can’t lose in Iraq militarily but it can give up and flee. Sooner or later the US as leader of the free world was going to have to face a showdown at high noon somewhere, anyway. “Its fight or flight time. We can’t have our cake and eat it to. It’s time to s… or get of the pot. It’s do or die time. Quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit. All for one and one for all. It is the darkest hour right before dawn. Remember the little engine that could. Where there is a will there is a way. It’s not over until the fat lady sings.”
Mean while, back at the camel corral western civilization has the advantage with the sun at its back. What is taking place now is an all out knock down drag out brawl, the end all face off at high noon is yet to take place. The clock is ticking and the tumbleweeds are blowing by. The sun is blazing and high noon is approaching. Who will be left standing?
Get the women and children off the street to safety. Who will blink first? Will the west back down? It is sad that it has come down to this. The west has two choices, face reality or get the hell out of Dodge. This town is no longer big enough for both ideologies. Its man or mice time, which will it be? Its winner take all, who will it, be? The tension in the air is so intense you can almost cut it with a butter knife.
It is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Tick, tick; tick; tock; high noon arrives, bang; bang only one shot finds it’s mark. Now, we’ll just have to wait and see who will still be left standing?
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans, Sr. October 20, 2006
I. Why people really vote?
There is a simple reason around the world why a lot of people always vote. The short answer is if you don’t you may not have a job the next week. In the US many people feel nothing will really change, which is not really true. There are a lot of changes, especially with the judicial system.
All liberal politicians have one and only one goal, to support and grow the welfare state, period. The liberals have enticed this welfare state on this great predominant Christian nation while responsible people were setting out elections. Why do you think politicians were able to enact laws allowing businesses to set up shop over seas and ship products back into this country with no penalty? The main reason was to support and grow the welfare state.
The second reason was they didn’t have much choice because the welfare state had to be fed. The mostly liberal politicians knew that big business could no longer survive the ever-demanding bite of local taxes, state taxes, federal taxes, license fees, regulations, and all kind of mandates. So they had to provide an escape hatch for big business to survive. Otherwise, the US economy would have collapsed back in the early nineteen nineties.
I believe big liberal media intentionally keeps the American public ignorant because they have the same one and only goal as the liberals, to support and grow the welfare state. I believe they want to keep the public ignorant on what is really happening so the public won’t demand that we privatize out of this doomsday welfare state. They don’t want you to know that the US itself has become a sort of global welfare dependent.
They don’t want you to know that the US economy would collapse overnight if we don’t get the sixty percent of our oil from overseas. They don’t want you to know that if we pull out of Iraq we may not get the sixty percent of oil we must have to survive, otherwise our economy would collapse overnight. They don’t want you to know that our manufacturing base is so scarce that many of our war machines have to be imported.
It is all a hoax, it is a cotton picking lie; they don't want you to know that even the liberal are not going to "Cut and run" out of Iraq. They just want the grieving mothers and the public to think they will so the liberals can harvest the masses of uninformed voters.It is simple reasoning; this is not "Nam." Anyone a little informed knows the US cannot survive economically if the world's supply of oil from that region is lost.
I'm telling you, even the liberals are not that shallow as to actually take that stupid risk; they just want the uninformed public to think that they will. All of this is happening while many of us sit out voting and allows the liberals to continue to run their shell game without the pea.I say go ahead and sit this election out, but, quit your bitching when the liberals double your taxes and triple the size of this welfare state.
Go ahead and sit out voting this election while many more illegals will be piling in to work while many able bodied Americans kick back in air conditioning; watching TV At taxpayers expense. Instead of big liberal media educating the public on this nation's survival they are more interesting in Hollywood style smut.
Most people vote on their emotion or their pocketbook they don’t really give a damn about all of this smut and slime, if anything it turns them off and they blames big liberal media. Sure, scandals matter, but not nearly as much as the liberals would like to believe. With all of this going on I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if conservative got their sixty vote filibuster proof senate and the house actually gained seats.
The bottom line is if the conservatives sit out voting this election they may not only see their taxes doubled, they soon may not have a completely sovereign state. With all of the money we owe, at some point the UN may be legally telling us what to do.Give God the praise.
From the desk of Freddie L. Sirmans October 14, 2006
I. Can America Survive It’s Culture ignorance?
A lot of people think I’m a kook for stressing culture and the independent nuclear family unit to the extreme. I feel it is just sheer ignorance and a lack of understanding history for any country to ignore the importance of culture. I believe there is almost nothing innate about a human being.
As a baby I believe we all starts with a clean slate. Look at what happens with a feral child; there is a window; if the child doesn’t learn to talk by age three to four it can’t ever learn. All human behavior is learned one way or another. If there is no outside influence and a young child is told the moon is a big piece of cheese in the sky that is what he will grow up believing. Most of the things that shape a human being are done before the age of ten.
The mother in the strong independent nuclear family unit is so important because she has the patience and understanding to allow a healthy ego to develop in the very young. But, there must be a strong male somewhere in the picture to enforce discipline and make sure the child is taught responsibility and accountability. Otherwise, a lack of respect for authority is the first casualty followed by moral decline and down hill from there.
Who do you think is teaching the entire out of proportion black men in prison? It is a lot of good intention black mothers that mean well but is not enforcing responsibility and accountability. They don’t realize when they tell a kid fifty times “Don’t do that” they are teaching in reverse disobedience and a lack of respect for authority. The welfare state has all but destroyed the independent black nuclear family unit.
Now, even if a man is in the home he most likely will be a “Yes” man. Here in the US. Most mothers teach their kids to share and respect all races and religions. But, in some parts of the world just the opposite is taught. A lot of people in the country wonder why the country is split right down the middle political wise. This is the liberal’s doing when they enticed the welfare state on this country.
They have created a condition where one half is taking care of the other half. One half doesn’t pay income tax so it is only reasonable that they want bigger government and higher taxes. The half being cared for would like for the US to become a full socialist state. If history is any guide they may eventually succeed because there has never been a reversal of a nation in a complete moral decline.
I hate to admit it but the liberals may have created enough government dependents to eventually get their socialist state. There is one small window of hope left if only the US. Could privatize out of the welfare state, but politically speaking that is not likely to happen. Those of us that values individual freedom and responsibility must realize that there is a growing tide against us.
Anyone that thinks culture doesn’t really matter need only look at what is happening in Iraq. What is happening over there is a complete culture meltdown. In my view the only way order and sanity is going to be regained over there is the way Mother Nature has always done it. Mother Nature’s way of maintaining order is, order through raw brutal power and dominance. Then if you plant the seeds of democracy they will sprout and grow.
Instant American style political correctness ain't going to cut it over there. If the US doesn’t have the stomach to do what needs to be done, then delegate it. To have order and sanity there must be law and a respect for the law, otherwise people will behave like wild animals.
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